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The Hierophant Tarot Card Meaning & Solutions

ATTENTION: Love problems? Money problems, or another crisis? Have the Tarot Cards given you bad news? An unpleasant outcome?

Are you confused about what to do next? Then, DON'T PANIC!

Not only am I providing an explanation, and advice to help you get what you want, but you'll also find energy work solutions for each Tarot card. 

EVEN MORE than that... If you click on my Magick Spells page, you'll see how one or more simple spells... Can work MIRACLES FOR YOU!

A few Quick Characteristics of The Hierophant are below. Including Love, Sex, Money, and a General Outcome:

Arcana: Major

Number: 5

Planetary Energies: Mars, Jupiter

Major Meaning: You are on the right track, but it's a good time to join a group. Or look for new friends with the right values.

Quick Message: Don't let fear, restrictions, or limiting beliefs stop you from being successful.

Positive Influence: A mentor or someone who connects with you spiritually. This may be a good friend, husband, or father.

Negative Influence: Someone who isn't supportive, and doubts your capabilities.

Personality Strengths: Decisive, and the determination to succeed. An extrovert.

Personality Weaknesses: Being too shy to approach others or ask for help. A lack of self-confidence, and faith in your own abilities.

The Hierophant For Love

Do the people you have in your life encourage you to follow your dreams, support you with any changes you would like to make for the better, or prefer things as they are? Believing that everything is fine, since it has always been done this way. 

If they can't see what you are getting at in wanting to change something for the right reasons, then it's time to talk about how you are feeling. This conversation might be with them, or someone else who is on the same wavelength as you. The surrounding cards can point to the area of your life in which someone new will be the most helpful. If it is a love interest, then it's time now to start looking for the person who wants the same as you do.

The Hierophant For Sex

Having the right sexual partner can have an enormous effect on the others areas of your life. Giving you confidence to move forward, self-respect, and even compassion for others. Cheating doesn't come into it when we are talking about this. Again if you don't have this special person in your life, who may be the One or a true soulmate, then it's time to start searching for him or her.

It could be that you'll find your twin flame, or the person who has a deep soul connection to you. Someone with whom you might have shared a similar path, resulting in you having the same values and opinions. It could be that you have even suffered the same type of trauma or abuse.

The Hierophant For Money

If you are struggling with your finances and don't know where to turn for help, seeking professional advice is another option. Alternatively getting a mentor or friend whom you can trust. Someone who may have been through the same situation as you are in, and has found a way through it. 

This person could help you find the confidence to change your job or take a career jump to get the higher salary you need. Possibly put together a long term plan for your money. If for example you need to get out of debt; save for retirement; a new apartment, or car.

The Hierophant For Spell Work & Energy Correction

This card represents a strong masculine, spiritual, energy. It is showing you how to take the necessary steps to bring more good into your life. If you would like even more help with this you might find that magick is the answer. You could get what you want a lot sooner by casting the spell which best matches your need, or you could ask someone else to do this for you. 

There are a lot of different spells available, which people are using all the time. A Love Spell, or one that can release some of the negative energy which is currently surrounding your life. You might instead like to use, A Prayer That Always Works.

The Hierophant For General Outcome

The Hierophant is traditionally a spiritual teacher, as well as a priest. Interpreting the wisdom which is available from the Higher Beings who watch over us. Making this knowledge easier for us to understand, through our relationships with others who could be on a similar journey. We are not obliged to accept all or any of the advice and guidance that comes our way, but are free to reject it. Nevertheless the truth will be revealed when we have the right family members; friends, or others to help and guide us. 

The Hierophant isn't telling us that what we are doing will be easy. Only that it might be possible to achieve success. Some things will remain hidden, including our destination, but we can be shown the way. The crown in the image on the card signifies strength, and power. Indicating that the Hierophant rules the physical and spiritual worlds, also our thoughts.

The twin flame we might come across in our search for other like-minded people could be in the sex, or love areas of life. Or can simply be someone we share a deeper connection to, than is usually the case with a friend. You don't have to fall in love with this person to have met your twin flame. The relationship is based on spiritual growth. 

The Hierophant is also urging us to examine and question our existing beliefs. Why do you think like this? Are you being influenced by the opinions of others? They may not be the right people to guide or help you during this phase of your life. However it's also important not to feel alone! You may be surprised at how many people you'll come across who will be prepared to share their stories with you, and life experience. Once you start talking to them.  

Personal and spiritual growth can also come to you through religion, meditation, and quiet thought. Remember that the Hierophant is a strong and supportive card so have faith; take action if you need to, and carry on pursuing your dreams and goals. 

Do Tarot Cards Show You BAD NEWS?


All You Have To Do Is: Change Your Destiny With 
A Prayer That Always Works!

Or! Contact Master PlutoCraft for your emergency case evaluation if you do not see what you like on the cards!