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The Empress Tarot Card Meaning & Solutions

ATTENTION: Love problems? Money problems, or another crisis? Have the Tarot Cards given you bad news? An unpleasant outcome?

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A few Quick Characteristics of The Empress are below. Including Love, Sex, Money, and a General Outcome:

Arcana: Major

Number: 3

Planetary Energies: Venus

Major Meaning: It's time to enjoy the good things in life. Your goals, and dreams, are about to become a reality. Whatever you focus on, and nurture, has the potential to succeed.

Quick Message: You have the Midas touch! Your hard work will soon be rewarded.

Positive Influence: Family relationships or close friends. Marriage in particular; children; motherhood, and creativity will all do well.  

Negative Influence: A lack of connection to others or living in isolation. Someone may be trying to take advantage of you, and what you are able to give.

Personality Strengths: Understanding, compassion, and love, Being non-judgmental.

Personality Weaknesses: Unable to create the right balance between generosity, and being too materialistic. An obsession with money, and having a lot of luxuries. Selfishness.

The Empress For Love

You can expect to be successful in the motherhood area of your life, pregnancy, or marriage. Also a creative project, if you have given a lot of your energy and love to this. 

It's time to nurture yourself too. Not only others. The Empress is reminding you that self-love is important, and that looking after yourself isn't being selfish. You'll enjoy good health if you do this, and you might find that yoga or massage are beneficial. 

The Empress For Sex

Having a great sex life is also good for your health, especially when your partner makes you feel fantastic. The Empress can be telling you that an abundance of sex is about to come your way, so be ready. Remember too, that self-love? All of us are different. It's Nature's way. So there's no need to be negative, or have bad thoughts about the way you look. Be grateful for the body you have. You are more likely to smile when you do, and it really is time to enjoy yourself with the right partner. 

The surrounding cards will give an indication of whether this will be someone new, or in a more permanent relationship when there might also be a proposal of marriage. Don't forget too, creativity is connected to this card. Maybe your partner or you would like to introduce something new into your sex life. Whatever it might be, you won't be disappointed!

The Empress For Money

The flow of abundance also affects the money area of your life. Remember the story of King Midas when all that he touched turned to gold? The negative aspect of The Empress card comes as a warning here. Not to become obsessed with material things, or what money can buy. Allowing this to become more important to you than, for example, spending quality time with family and good friends. There may also be the possibility of someone taking advantage of your kind, and compassionate nature in a financial matter. Be very wary before you hand over any of your hard-earned cash. 

Ultimately however, money is the tool which allows us to live the best life we can, do what we need to, and have the things we want. Helping those less fortunate is another possibility you might like to consider. Doing this will usually attract more good energy to us, if it is done for the right reasons. If you decide to help a new project or business grow, by investing money in it, this could prove to be a highly successful venture.

The Empress For Spell Work & Energy Correction

A different meaning can arise when this card is considered with the others drawn by you. Maybe you will need to attract a new love interest, to take advantage of the flow of abundance or sexual energy coming your way? Possibly decide that you need even more money, to achieve what you have set out to do. 

The possibilities are endless, but don't forget that magick is there to help you. It isn't dangerous, provided it is done properly and only with good intentions. It can correct any negative or bad energy which is preventing you from receiving the love, money, or other great things which The Empress could otherwise bring to your life.

The Empress For General Outcome

This card is associated with emotion, and fertility. Often shown in the tarot deck as an Earth Mother, with a strong connection to nature, she has a warm personality. With the ability to nurture those around her, and their creativity. She represents the relationship between the spiritual and material world, also transformation.

The image on the card shows her sitting on a comfortable throne, among nature's abundance, and she is encouraging us to appreciate the natural world. To be grateful for all that we receive from it, including our bodies and birth. Whilst we are left in little doubt about her authority, and regal status from the crown she wears.

Nature can however have a dark, and cruel side. We need to be wary of this, and that the Empress can sometimes represent an overly possessive and demanding mother. One who is generous with material gifts, but can just as easily take them away.

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