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7 of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning & Solutions

ATTENTION: Love problems? Money problems, or another crisis? Have the Tarot Cards given you bad news? An unpleasant outcome?

Are you confused about what to do next? Then, DON'T PANIC!

Not only am I providing an explanation, and advice to help you get what you want, but you'll also find energy work solutions for each Tarot card. 

EVEN MORE than that... If you click on my Magick Spells page, you'll see how one or more simple spells... Can work MIRACLES FOR YOU!

A few Quick Characteristics of 7 of Pentacles are below. Including Love, Sex, Money, and a General Outcome:

Arcana: Minor

Element: Earth

Major Meaning: Success is on its way to you 

Quick Message: It may be time to rest, but this will only be temporary

Positive influence: Perseverance

Negative influence: Being tempted to give up 

Personality strengths: Patience

Personality weaknesses: Unnecessary worry

7 of Pentacles For Love

If you are in a relationship everything you have been working towards as a couple is about to manifest itself, but you will need to be patient. 

If you can't help thinking instead that you still have a long way to go in achieving what you set out to do, 7 of Pentacles is encouraging you to look at how far you have already come. Be persistent, and don't give up. Success is on its way to you. 

Until that happens it's important to get enough rest. Pushing yourself too hard for a long time can result in ill health. Perhaps you need to take things easy for a while? Look at how much free time you have, and how you have been spending it. Relax. Enjoy a break from routine. Self love is necessary! If you take care of yourself, you will be in a better position to enjoy your success when it does finally arrive.

7 of Pentacles For Sex

7 of Pentacles is telling you that this is only a temporary situation. Before long you will be moving forward again, quickly. So what about taking a vacation, to make the most of it?

Being away from home is a great opportunity to catch up on your sex life. Whether you are single or in a relationship. Think about how you might best use this gift of free time, and go ahead. Enjoy it! 

Amazing sex often happens when we are on holiday, and away from the daily routine. A different bedroom, with the possibility of a new partner. You may even get the opportunity to fulfil those fantasies you have been dreaming of! 

7 of Pentacles For Money

Taking a break can also mean giving yourself a chance to look more closely at the next step in your financial plan, or organise your money better. To make sure that you are on target, or decide on a different way to move forward. Perhaps you are thinking about a new job? What will be the best way for you to invest more time, and effort into earning money?

This is your opportunity to take a step back, and think things through. You may decide to move forward in a different direction altogether, if your earlier plans are no longer working as well as they did a few months ago. It's always easier to go along with what we know, and not rock the boat, but this isn't necessarily in your best interests.

7 of Pentacles is telling you to get ready to make your next move, because the break you are having will only be temporary. Whatever you decide to do, the details are important in making sure that you will achieve the success you desire.

7 of Pentacles For Spell Work And Energy Correction

If your success involves real estate, buying and selling properties and there is a lull in the market, why not try casting a Real Estate Spell? To help you get the flow of positive energy moving again. Or get someone else to do this for you. 

A Love Spell or Money Spell might also be called for, if there's more to this than meets the eye in affairs of the heart or at work. 

Magick is an everyday occurrence. If you haven't tried it for yourself, it can help give you peace of mind about what is happening right now. Some control over your situation which can help rid you of any unnecessary worries, or anxiety about the future 

7 of Pentacles For General Outcome

7 of Pentacles points to you having reached a well earned milestone in your life. Although it's necessary to keep going to finish your project or plan, it's time to take a break or vacation. 

Relaxing, and having fun, is important to staying healthy. Life isn't only about work! All of us need downtime, to unwind on the road to success. A good worker knows when it's time to put down his or her tools, and have a well earned cup of tea.

You'll be glad later that you took a break because this pause in your daily routine will only be temporary. It won't be long before you will be moving forward again, at full speed ahead. 

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