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3 of Cups Tarot Card Meaning & Solutions

ATTENTION: Love problems? Money problems, or another crisis? Have the Tarot Cards given you bad news? An unpleasant outcome?

Are you confused about what to do next? Then, DON'T PANIC!

Not only am I providing an explanation, and advice to help you get what you want, but you'll also find energy work solutions for each Tarot card. 

EVEN MORE than that... If you click on my Magick Spells page, you'll see how one or more simple spells... Can work MIRACLES FOR YOU!

A few Quick Characteristics of 3 of Cups are below. Including Love, Sex, Money, and a General Outcome:

Arcana: Minor

Element: Water

Major meaning: Celebration And Network

Quick message: Achievement of happiness and desired outcome especially in love-related area

Positive influence: Good feelings, friendships, community, wedding, positive social group

Negative influence: Overindulgence in partying and lack of responsibility 

Personality strengths: Playful individual, flirtatious, social butterfly, someone with bright smile

Personality weaknesses: Person who forgets responsibilities and cannot differentiate true friends from aquaintances

3 of Cups For Love

When it comes to love, 3 of Cups asks you to slow down and enjoy the present moment. It is a great card when it appears in love department but it requires you to live in the moment of now rather than think of the past or future.

3 of Cups indicates great loving and loyal relationship. But it still requires some pieces of the puzzle come into a complete masterpiece. And what would be the reward? The reward can be as high as successful marriage based on deep emotional and Spiritual connection, filled with passion and friendliness.

Some relationships start with passion. But with 3 of Cups, most relationship start with "friends first" approach. Even if that friendship lasts only few days and slowly starts to turn romantic.

Either way, continue enjoying the moment of now. 3 of Cups brings great deal of healing to all past emotional wounds associated with relationships. It also starts to remove anxiety about the future.

Do you now see why it is a great approach to live in the moment of now and stop being fixated on expectations? In order for healing to happen and for anxiety to vanish, faith must be with you! And how can you let Divine energy that brings faith, trust and renewal enter all parts of your being if you block it with dwelling on the past or fixating on the future?

Accept Divine gifts that happen now. Even right now, right this second. Be grateful for all love experiences you ever had, be they good or bad, whatever you want to judge them and understand that they made you who you are today.

You are wiser, stronger and much more knowledgeable. While learning is an endless process, when you stay in the moment of now with gratitude and true faith, love miracles start to come your way very quickly!

If you are single and you crave being with someone, still do this process. But on top of that, 3 of Cups asks you to expand your network and let people whom you trust know that you are looking for someone special.

Do not be shy or take it as weakness. Ask and it is given - one of the messages of 3 of Cups! Under no circumstances isolate yourself. And under no circumstances, do not forget about your daily responsibilities in other areas of life. But be confident with 3 of Cups because it is a card of extremely positive energy! And yes, it applies to love department!

3 of Cups For Sex

This card is very interesting when it comes to sex department. For example, here are just few things it may indicate, so you get an idea:

  • Sex with a good friend
  • Asking a trusted friend for sex due to loneliness (and often, getting some sort of help!)
  • Threesomes
  • Bisexuality
  • Group sex
  • Sharing very intimate secrets with the best friend
  • Experimenting with same-sex partner
  • Seducing someone's wife/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend without serious consequences
  • Sex in public places
  • Miltiple sexual partners
  • Dating several people at once
  • Voyeurism
  • And, get ready for this: completely monogamous sex with all it's beauty and joy!

So, how can 3 of Cups can have such a diverse sexual coverage?


This card is "open-minded" when it comes to sexual department. Anything goes - whatever your soul craves! From wildest orgies to complete monogamy and anything in between, 3 of Cups is a card of pleasant fulfillment!

But 3 of Cups is NOT considered to be a card of cheating. This card represents open-sexuality without betrayal.

Think of polyamorous relationships for example: both partners know and are ok to experiment with other people.

No matter what is a dynamic of the relationship, 3 of Cups signals honest, harmonious, fulfilling sexual relationships. It also indicates deep levels of trust, therefore, partners also practice trust-based sex. And these moments end in exciting celebration of pleasure, joy and fulfillment.

3 of Cups For Money

3 of Cups indicates business and pleasure. It also indicates success. Basically, it tell you that what you put your effort in now will bring you fruit. It is a card of financial celebration.

This card represents florists, jewelry businesses, cooking and catering, arts and photography, relationship counseling, psychology, Freudian approaches and psychoanalysis with emotional and dream interpretation approach, community based businesses, pharmacies, Internet businesses and websites, social media and advertising.

3 of Cups may also indicate that you need additional schooling or certifications to achieve your financial dreams. It also calls you to apply for loans and seek investors if you are a business owner.

When it comes to owning your business, 3 of Cups calls for expansion and more marketing. And it asks you to concentrate on social media marketing as well as local advertising. Think of building strong Facebook page and distributing as many flyers or posters as possible.

If you own brick and mortar type of a business, seriously consider taking it online. Gather leads and build your newsletter list.

Even if you are clueless in advertising, do what your intuition guides you to do! 3 of Cups shows you that your efforts will pay off but you cannot sit idle.

3 of Cups For Spell Work And Energy Correction

Worried about "bad news" or "negative outcomes" of this card and how it may affect you in real life? If yes, then consider doing the sell work, or hiring someone to do it for you. Spell work is a very powerful ancient solution to overcome the challenge represented by this card in all sorts of situations.

3 of Cups represents conjunction of two planetary spells: Jupiter + Venus Planetary Spells For Success And Expansion.

These two spells are aimed to expand your network as well as knock off obstacles that may be blocking you. While Venus is responsible for attracting the right network and favorable circumstances, Jupiter is responsible for expanding your blessings! These spells can be aimed at absolutely any (and all!) areas of your life: love, sex, finances and whatever else you can think of! Even for a happy marriage and successful conception of a baby!

Also, 3 of Cups represents answered prayers. This means that when this card appears in a certain department, pray for easier wish-granting and God will hear your plea!

Either you are having love problems like cheating, break ups or hardship to find love... Or maybe you want to double or triple your income... Or start a successful business... Or have powerful psychic protection... Or whatever else it may be - then you MUST check out spell work information and you too can create DESIRED REALITY rather than living at the mercy of the circumstances.

3 of Cups For General Outcome

When 3 of Cups appears in outcome, good news to be expected which lead to emotional fulfillment.

What can you expect? Anything and everything!

Successful celebrations, goal-achievements, reunions with friends, increased levels of Spirituality, good luck, success and fortune, pleasant conversations during dinner times, reconnection with old friends and lovers, acceptance by social circles and peers, success after moving to a new place, prosperity in business (new or current)...

Just one thing you want to keep in mind is that appearance of 3 of Cups in outcome can also signal easy swaying from one area of life to overindulgence in the other. Always remember to maintain healthy balance.

If you are a sensitive person, make sure you have your healthy boundaries in check. Do not be afraid to say "no" when you feel obligated to do something you do not want to do. This card calls you to identify who your true friends are and who are simply acquaintances eager to use your resources. Listen to your intuition! But overall, with 3 of Cups, you are the one who achieves the victory! 

Do Tarot Cards Show You BAD NEWS?


All You Have To Do Is: Change Your Destiny With 
A Prayer That Always Works!

Or! Contact Master PlutoCraft for your emergency case evaluation if you do not see what you like on the cards!